
Un emulatore PSX per PS3!!!

Un utente anonimo di psgroove.com ha rilasciato la primissima versione di questo emulatore, l'emulatore già supporta la piena velocità dei giochi, e il full screen,  tracce audio CDDA e XA, il multiplayer a 2 giocatori, la possibilità di salvare e la compatibilità con i seguenti formati:
*.iso *.bin *.mds *.img.

PS3SX Pcsx port on PS3 using PS3 SDK and psl1ght it’s a hybride for the pre-release
No source code will be avaible only when i will completely port the emulator to psl1ght
before xmas i will update it with a new GUI save state and cheat code .

this emulator can only work on 3.41 retail not tryed yet on older version.

put all folders so ./BIOS ./MC ./psxrom on root of dev_usb000 so the first port on the right

Support in this pre-release version :
2 Players
All iso formats
psx homebrew *.psx and *.exe
Save works for player 1 & 2
Sound support CDDA and XA
Full screen
Full Speed

i’m using PCSX-DF core with the ppc dynarec the dyanrec work already on this version of ps3sx
with libkammy god bless AerialX for the libkammy and i’m using the cellframework for sound only.

My thanks go to AerialX , drk||Raziel , pcsx Team and pcsx-df team for the original source code ,
psxgroovy at www.psxgroovy.com for the dongle sample ,PEOPS for this good plugin and Mathieulh .

all plugins come from PEOPS

With luv Anonymous


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