

Graf_chokolo torna a far parlare di sé annunciando il suo successo nella decriptazione del lv2diag.self, file utilizzato nei dongle ufficiali Sony e dal PSDowngrade per il downgrade della console, e dei file SELF e SPRX, file di sistema PS3 utilizzati ampiamente nei giochi, nelle applicazioni e nel firmware stesso!

Guys, i know you are waiting for the USB Dongle Master Key from me ) I have got now 2 fat PS3 with HV 3.15 but unfortunately no SX28 development board yet to exploit it )
But i was not idle and the last and this week i was working on reversing of self decryption. And now i’m able to decrypt SELFs and SPRXs on my exploited GameOS by using HV calls only and no GameOS functions at all ) I reversed the interface to appldr which decrypts SELFs on GameOS 3.41.
So you wont’ get bored until i get the USB Dongle Master Key, i will make my findings and my source code public very soon and you will be able to decrypt your favourite games and programs by yourself ) Let the fun begin, guys )


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