Voci insistenti dichiarano che presto il downgrade per la play3 sarà pubblico e sopratutto gratisi...qui le parole dello sviluppatore!!!
"ok, I decided to release my implementation of psdowngrade, it is called PSGrade.
here it is:
DOT GET EXISTED YET, as the title said, we don’t have a working key yet.
I can’t get it because I don’t have a 3.15 ps3, but if you want to help and get the right key, please read my post here:
To anyone who wants to help, here is what you have to do:
1- run the PSGrade I posted (just like jp)
2- reboot into linux (no power cycling!!)
3- dumb HV (and post it)
if you dont know how to dumb HV in linux, then google it (you will need to open your ps3 and solider it DONT DO IT IF YOU ARE NOT A EXPERT!!!)"
Il programma c'è ma manca il supporto per il 3.15 necessario per trovare le chiavi di cifratura corette...se quacuno vuole dare un mano è ben acetta!!!
La mini guida è abbastanza chiara!!!!
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